Is Air Conditioning Bad for the Environment?

Want to know if your comfort inside is disturbing the outside? We have the answer.

Key Takeaways:

  • Like all electrical products, air conditioning draws power in order to operate. In addition, the refrigerants used in the process of conditioning the air is potentially harmful to the environment.

  • Despite this, new technology has allowed air conditioning units to be more energy efficient, and potentially harmful refrigerants have been replaced with cleaner, greener alternatives.

  • The best way to reduce your environmental impact while keeping your climate under control is to upgrade your air conditioning unit.

From 2010 to 2020, the CO2 emissions for air conditioning commercial use has reduced a significantly thanks to newer models that use less energy (and therefore cost less) compared to older models. An upgrade is well worth it if your are concerned about your carbon footprint.

Because air conditioning uses electricity, it is impossible to completely eliminate all environmental impact. However, some of the ways you can reduce your carbon output is to make small changes such as installing solar panels, and storing energy in home battery systems to power your units.


Air Conditioning for Bedroom


Air Conditioning for Pensioners